Miriam Medical centre was Founded to supplement on the Primary health care concept that emerged out of the 1978 international conference at Alma Ata, ( improved health care calls for a comprehensive approach )
To provide and promote accessible health services.
To access global health workers to grass root communities in order to treat and save lives without discrimination of any nature.
Our Mission is that community driven health services is a available across the region.
1. To carry out home visiting in hard to reach places.
2. To Save life and support communities in need.
Babulya Having worked in Government and private Hospitals as midwife, for 10 years, decided to attain higher level of education in order to be able to contribute to private practice and help communities to have a brighter future.
Before up grading in midwifery, Babulya a woman with a “ Vision” initiated a project “ Miriam Medical Centre”. In Umoja –Cell, Nyamwamba Division- Kasese District –Uganda-East Africa.
During her ten years working as a midwife, Babulya was concerned about improving Maternal and infant mortality ratios; preventive health services; including offering small gifts in form of clothes to the helpless pregnant mothers and sick people that come to the ward in the hospital.
She concludes “This idea be shared developed and expanded”.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Volunteers are most well come
Occasionally; mothers visit out center for safe Delivery. The Mother is very happy for her new baby. It is important for you to visit us and share experience. Health workers are encouraged to submit their proposals. Visit our contact link to apply.
At Miriam Medical Centre, we do not have an open ward where a pregnant mother rests/cared for after delivery. we only have a small space with one local delivery bed. If a next mother comes to deliver, it becomes our major challenge. It is from this reason that we request well wishers globally to support our efforts by mobilizing resources to build a ward. as an organization we have land .and trainned personnel.
At Miriam Medical Centre, we value space, as you can see; two shower rooms are placed above the the placenta pit and water is collected in the sock pit. This is some thing that you can also try; feel free to come and share your experience.
At Miriam Medical Center; we constructed a small improved cooking stove, The stove is used during Management of Medical Wastes.
At Miriam Medical Center, we encourage Mothers to come for health education, immunization and delivering under skilled attendance. It is important for you to come and offer your time.
At Miriam medical centre,we are constructing a temporally shelter/ hall with local materials for Health education,immunization. Below the shelter, where you see a yellow gallon, is an area reserved for an open ward/ labour ward. View the shelter below:Miriam Medical Centre Registration Certificate:
Miriam medical Medical Centre has fully registered with Kasese District NGO/CBOs Desk; to render community services for development.The certificate bears our major activities and it empowers us to create global relationship for development. all social workers, health workers,development workers are advised to visit us to share different expereinces. Email us now by visiting the link of contact.
At Miriam Medical Centre, we are mobilizing resources to construct a shelter, where communities will be coming to learn. because we do not have the capacity to buy roofing plates; we purchased a water proof plastic paper, and covered it on the roof to protect rain water and sun shine during training sessions. we are still mobilizing local resources to buy seats where mothers especially will be seating.
see the picture below. feel free to visit us or email us:
Miriam Medical centre, plans screening for cervical cancer and the related, In order to manage this, a small laboratory roam is being constructed with local resources. view the picture below: The man is still vanishing the walls with cement.
Construction of The laboratory at Miriam medical center is now complete, only waiting for the equipment. Here at miriam Medical centre, we believe that it is good practice to screen whoever comes for medical services in order to know what to be treated.View the picture below to see a complete laboratory space. It has a strong large window behind and a dower. Below the window; are two electric sockets. The space is large to accommodate the refrigerator. Visit us to volunteer and advise.
Miriam Medical Centre supplements Government efforts in promoting Millennium development goals No. 8
( Promoting Global Partnership for development) Miriam Medical Centre is working around the clock to create Friendship across bounders. Miriam Medical Centre Secures a gift to help buy 4 mattress, 4 beds, to be used in the maternity ward at such a time when it shall be constructed. Currently they will be used in a small space at the clinic. You can also be the next Donor to this project in Uganda, Africa. there is greater need to support women and the new babies. Email us to learn more:
From the Gift, we purchased 4 mattresses 4 beds and 2 speculum : view the pictures below:
we purchased two medical equipment" speculum" they will be used by our health workers to test for cancer of the cervix.More things are still needed to start this project. any bit of assistance is always vital.
Part of the gift given, was used to buy 4 wooden beds. we very much thank the donor for planning to extend such a gift to help communities in this part of Africa. Tel a friend about this project. More items are still needed in the clinic. Among the urgently needed items include: a baby weighing scale, Delivery kits, Medications, Examination tables, oxygen concentrator, a sonic aid, and many other micro clinical equipment and text books; including constructing an open small ward where women will be resting and be cared for immediately after delivery. View the beds below: feel free to write to us:
Now we are still struggling to fully equip the ward. We advise all willing supporters to give in any possible assistance. We believe that "small by small makes a bundle"Your contribution to this project in Africa is of value
Preparation of a water stand pipe, financed by Nasf is now in progress. The stand pipe, will hold a big water tank, which will store water for the medical centre. Thank to Nasf- Foundation.
At Miriam Medical Centre, we encourage skilled attendance. and invite willing health workers to come and offer time while working and learning.
Miriam Medical Centre often org-anise Community out reach health education services on program. But the centre is limited with resources to facilitate the movement of these local volunteers. All you see are health Inspectors/ Health workers in a planning meeting.
On Program, Many people come to the Centre for Immunization Services. |